The Old Bloemhof School houses the
Sasol Arts Gallery of the Stellenbosch University Painting by Hérine FourieArtists of the day: Marlene von Dürckheim
Marlene working towards the just right feel  Hannes Lochner
 Boris Gorelik, Incredible Tretchikoff, Tafelberg 2013
 Beate Tügel
 Francois Verster's enlarged Gallery of paintings

Florian Breuer's photo gallery
 Bertie du Plessis Artist, Designer and Author of books

Angela Tölken, Artist Jeweller Her third solo exhibition was opened at the US Art Gallery on 26 October 2010
 See Strijdom van der Merwe's new page
Peter Höhsl, painter and film maker
| The university town of Stellenbosch is a very special place and home to many
artists. We present artists of the Stellenbosch area and are busy compiling a list of artists - who live or have lived in Stellenbosch
- who worked or studied here and
- who have already exhibited their work in a renown gallery
If you want to feature in this website, please note that pages are not free anymore. You are invited to order your own page and/or gallery at a very reasonable a discount and updates are free. See 2 examples Strijdom and Peter Read also my letter to artists and authors The book, Stellenbosch Writers, was published in March 2005. More artists of the day
Links of the day:
Anton Kannemeyer "The beauty of Mr. Kannemeyer's work is in the jarringly funny contrast between its cheerful, seemingly innocent style and its reflection of the hideous underbelly of South African politics and society."
New York Times
 The big bad bitterkomix handbook
by Anton Kannemeyer; Conrad Botes Quote of the day: I have difficulty with the notion that art must be challenging. Paul Emsley Beauty is the promise of happiness.
Stendhal El arte es la mentira que nos permite comprender la verdad (Pablo Picasso)
art is the lie that makes us realize truth
El arte sacude del alma el polvo acumulado en la vida diaria Pablo Picasso
Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life
There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.
Pablo Picasso
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.
Pablo Picasso
Hace falta mucho, mucho tiempo para ser joven
Pablo Picasso
It takes a very long time to become young
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