Saturday, 5 July 2003 at Protea Bookshop: Marina le Roux and Lina Spies talk about Joggie Spies' new book of verses Toepa toepa towery with illustrations by Piet GroblerNovember 03:  Artists cards for Child Welfare (Kunskaarte) 8 Stellenbosch artists have contributed to beautiful greeting cards which will
be sold to benefit Child Welfare. From left: Nicole Palmer, Lyn Smuts, Kaffie Pretorius, Adriaan van Zyl, Paddy Bouma and Titia Ballot. Next to them Dr. Dora Steyn and Susan Burger from Child
Welfare. 2 of the artists are not on the photo: Piet Grobler and Strijdom van der Merwe To order these cards (R 80) please phone Gail King at 021 887 2816 Photo by Elsabé Retief, Eikestadnuus - click to enlarge January 2004 : Gerhard van Wyk was born on
24 December 1968.
 Senior Editor of the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT) Lina Spies
 Photo by Rosie - click to enlarge She presented her 8th poetry book: Duskant die Einders, during the Woordfees on Saturday, 13 March 2004 at the Protea Bookhuis See more photos 20.3. 2004: Hennie Aucamp
 presents his new diary: Skuinslig taken at Protea Boekhuis See more photos | September 03:
  Illustration by Piet Grobler
Dezember 2003:
 Michiel Heyns at Protea Boekhuis Introducing his new novel The reluctant passenger Photo by Rosie - click to enlarge 20.1. 2004: In celebration of his 70th birthday, 'n Skrywer by Sonsopkoms, a festive compilation with contributions by 16 authors, was dedicated to Hennie Aucamp
 Poet, playwright and one of the most important modern writers of prose: short stories, essays and cabaret
texts. Marlise Joubert
 Photo by Rosie - click to enlarge She presented her new novel, Ateljee van Glas, during the Woordfees on Saturday, 13. 3. 2004 at the Protea Bookhuis See more photos | October 2003:
 Hérine Fourie's new book: Stellenbosch Winelands Photo: Rosie Breuer 4.10.03: Louis presents Hérine Fourie's new book, Winelands Most Saturdays, at Protea Bookshop, authors introduce their books
György Jaros on visit from Australia
 Hans and Gyuri, Co-authors and friends Photo: Rosie Breuer Athol Fugard
 South Africa's great playwright presented his new manuscript at Protea Book
Shop on 3 February 2004 See Athol Fugard website Photo by Rosie - click to enlarge Ingrid Winterbach  Winner of the Hertzog Prize 2004 for her novel Niggie Photo found at www.upe.ac.za/afned/kursus99.htm
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