Cocqui Francolin Male
 Crested Francolin
 Crested Francolin with chicks
 Red-necked Spurfowl
 Natal Spurfowl
 White-faced Whistling Duck
 White-faced Whistling Ducks
 Day-old Egyptian Goose
 Woolly-necked Stork
 Saddle-billed Stork
 Saddle-billed Stork
 Southern Bald Ibis
 Squacco Heron
 Squacco Heron at Lake Panic
 Squacco Heron
 Goliath Heron
 Reed Cormorant
 African Darter
 Black-shouldered Kite
 Bearded Vultures at Giant's Castle
 Bearded Vulture
 Cape Vulture Giant's Castle © Brian Radford
 Cape Vulture landing
 Little Sparrowhawk
 Jackal Buzzard
 With the temperature at 45 degrees, this Lanner Falcon cools down in a puddle on the road Nossob, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
 Red-crested Korhaan
 Black Crake
 Black Crake chick
 Black Crake
 Water Thick-knee
 Crowned Lapwing
 White-crowned Lapwing
 Namaqua Sandgrouse Mata Mata
 Laughing Dove Brian Radford
 Red-eyed Dove © Brian Radford
 African Green Pigeon
 Knysna Turaco
 Grey Go-away-bird
 Burchell's Coucal Cape Vidal © Brian Radford
 Cape Glossy Starling raising a Great Spotted Cuckoo
 Diderick Cuckoo
 Diderick Cuckoo
 Spotted Eagle-Owl
 Spotted Eagle-Owl juv
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