Cape Shoveler in a hurry
 Red-billed Teal Incredible explosive and powerful energy to launch from the grip of water in a fraction of a second
 Little Grebe at Full Throttle
 Lesser Flamingos
 Glossy Ibis
 The delicate walk of the serene African Spoonbill
 Spoonbill annoyed with Coot
 A scrap between a Spoonbill and a Reed Cormorant for some real estate
 Hamerkop with frog
 Black Heron
 Black Heron
 Woolly-necked Stork
 Tawny Eagle and Woolly-necked Stork
 Cape Gannet colony
 at Lamberts Bay © Clint Ralph
 Bearded Vulture
 Aerial Battle between two Bearded Vultures
 A Tawny Eagle keeps company with 2 White-backed Vultures at the carcass
 Vultures won
 A pair of White-backed Vultures square off © Clint Ralph
 Hooded Vulture
 Lappet-faced Vulture
 Black-chested Snake-Eagle
 Bateleur comes in for the perfect landing
 The spread of the Jackal Buzzard
 Tawny Eagle
 Tawny Eagle
 The wingspan of a Tawny Eagle
 African Hawk Eagle
 African Crowned Eagle with its kill
 Lanner Falcon