Our sleeping quarters
Weather station
Rock Kestrel's favourite perch |
White-backed Mousebird
Ostrich on a dune |
 Enjoying delicious cheese cake at Geelbeck |
 Ralie, ..., Koos and Marie won the first prize of the competition |
2nd Prize |
3rd Prize |
Rarities winner |
Group leaders |
 Japie taking photos during the gala dinner |
Klaus, Rick, ..., Japie |
Koos |
 Rick, Maria and J |
 Anton Odendal gave a talk on Ecotourism |
 Mike and Ann
Magda talks on Wader Migrations |
 Who would like to help Magda ring birds?
(Click for more details)
 Phil Hockey talks on Migrations |
 An unusual sunset
 Mike Lodge opening the event
|  Glendower sponsor many birding projects
|  Mike and Jenny Lodge in action
 The stables at Geelbeck Our event location, where we listen to talks, celebrate and sleep
|  Boardwalk to one of the Geelbeck Hides
|  Penny and Pietman filling in the bird lists Breakfast at Geelbek Restaurant
 Klaus Kassel redet nicht, aber radelt und rennt! Took part in the Argus race on Sunday and the Langebaan Marathon the following
|  Gala dinner Announcing the winners
|  Anna Dekkers and Ruth McLennan The oldest and the youngest participants
 The winning team
|  The winning group identified 119 bird species.
|  Our group came second with 117 birds identified Our team: Penny Childs, Rosie Breuer, Klaus Kassel, Anton Odendal (our leader)
and Pietmann Basson |
 2 groups shared the third price Renee,..., Willene van der Merwe, Piet le Roux and ...
|  A prize for a rare bird spotted, a Pacific Golden Plover
|  Some prizes are won in a lotterie ..., Gerhard Verdoorn, ... Anton Odendal looking on
 ..., ..., ...
|  Auction of two items
 Raptor presentation by Gerhard Verdoorn on Sunday A Chemistry Professor, he is one of the leading experts on raptors.
His marathon lecture on South African raptors was most illuminating and took
over 4 hours (with tea brakes)!
|  Gerhard Verdoorn with young birders
|  ... is the plant specialist and photographer of the Honorary Ranger's team
 We are grateful to Glendower ...., the representative of the Whisky company
|  Steenbock lost a horn