Attention: We are selling half of our belongings, because we moved to somewhere smaller. A valuable collection of out of print bird books, botanical books and Fieldglasses (Leitz and Zeiss, collector items) rosie AT Dr. Hans and Rosemarie Breuer, 907 Helderberg Village, Private Bag X19, Somerset West 7129, South
Africa, South Africa Recommended Bird Books and Guides Book News: In preparation - the Zettelwitz books for Europe. Because I love watching birds, I made Zettelwitz, the hero of my books, into a bird watcher, too. This childish wizard develops into a decent man, because he loves Ronja and - to his surprise - he feels much better being liked for his useful craft, than hated for his cruel jokes.
Zettelwitz - Table Mountain Wizard by Rosemarie Breuer, in German and English and Die Towenaar van Tafelberg -
Table Mountain Wizard in Afrikaans and English
with 74 Illustrations by the author and 60 bird illustrations by Jill Adams Now also available as e-books in several formats. Zettelwitz Kindle versions in German and English (3. edition, September 2013):
Zauberer Zettelwitz vom Tafelberg
Zettelwitz the Table Mountain Wizard
Reviews   Order the printed books and the pdf version with the name of your choice:
The Table Mountain photo on the cover was provided by Awie Badenhorst.An outdated pirated pdf of Zettelwitz can be found all over the Net. Please do me the favour to compare it to the new version, bought from me or Kindle.
Your book is absolutely brilliant! I can't wait to have children and will save it for them! Fantastic that you are also doing American and European versions.
Adam Riley
Rockjumper Birding Tours More editions to follow with birds of different regions of the world: Krüger Park Wizard, Mkuzi Wizard, Kalahari Wizard Zettelwitz the Wizard (European and American versions) Marguerite Poland,  Taken Captive by Birds, with illustrations by Craig Ivor van Vuuren
Birds of Africa South of the Sahara by Ian Sinclair, Phil Hockey, Warwick Tarboton, Peter Ryan
Mike O'Connor, Why Don't Woodpeckers Get Headaches? And Other Answers to Bird Questions You Know You Want to Ask
Ian Sinclair; Phil Hockey; Warwick Tarboton; Peter Ryan, Sasol Birds of Southern Africa, Struik, 2014 The new much enlarged edition The large
Roberts Bird Guide: A comprehensive field guide over 950 bird species in Southern Africa Author: Hugh Chittenden
Roberts Voelgids Author: Hugh Chittenden
Ian Sinclair, Birds of Southern Africa - Pocket Guide Struik nature's pocket guide series, this title covers an astonishing 500 southern African birds yet is small enough to fit in your pocket.
Birds Of Southern Africa CD Rom
A comprehensive and interactive multimedia program. It combines a multimedia database on over 950 Southern African bird species, with eight interactive modules that facilitate almost every aspect of "computer birding". Version 3 has been completely re-designed and re-programmed, with added interactive functions, all the new birds and names, and more multimedia data.
Roberts Bird Guide : KNP Kruger National Park and adjacent Lowveld Authors: Hugh Chittenden and Ian Whyte
Ber van Perlo, Birds of Southern Africa
Phil Hockey, Beautiful birds of Southern Africa, Struik Publishers, 2005 Aimed at the tourist and bird-lover who wishes to have a memento of a visit to
Southern Africa Birds of Africa South of the Sahara: A comprehensive illustrated field guide
Author: Ian Sainclair; Peter Ryan
Peter Ryan, Ian Sinclair,
 The complete photographic guide
Birds of Southern Africa / Volledige fotografiese gids, Struik Nature, 2009
35864809" target="_blank"> Newman's Birds of Southern Africa, Struik, 2010 The Commemorative, updated edition of Newman's Birds of Southern Africa
Callan Cohen, Claire Spottiswoode and Jonathan Rossouw,
Southern African Birdfinder:
Where to Find 1400 Bird Species in Southern Africa and Madagascar
Nigel Dennis, Birds of Southern Africa, Sunbird, 2005 200 photographs, stunning close ups
Ian Sinclair; Phil Hockey, Sasol larger illustrated guide to birds of Southern Africa, Struik, 2005 Updated text and includes an additional fifteen new species that have been
recognised since the publication of Sasol Birds Ian Sinclair; Phil Hockey; Warwick Tarboton, Sasol Birds of Southern Africa, Struik, 2002 Kenneth Newman, Newman's Birds of Southern Africa
(with PC cover), Struik, 2002
-, What's that bird? A Starter's Guide to Birds of Southern Africa, Struik, 2004 -, Birds of Prey of Southern Africa: Raptorguide, South Africa Covos Day Books, 2002 A5 laminated fold-out field guide featuring 67 species of Southern African
raptors. Bird names in English, German and Afrikaans. David Allan, Sasol first field guide to birds of prey of Southern Africa, Struik Publishers, 2006
BirdLife South Africa, Official Checklist of Birds in Southern Africa, Struik, 2004 Owls and owling in South Africa, Struik, 2004 Ian Sinclair; Trevor Hardaker, Sasol Birding Map of Southern Africa,
Struik, 2001 Callan Cohen, Claire Spottiswoode, Southern African Birdfinder, Struik, 2001 Where to find over 1400 bird species from South Africa to Zambia Peter Ryan, Birdwatching in Southern Africa, Struik, 2006 Lex Hes Roy Tredler, Attracting Birds to Your Garden in Southern Africa,
Struik, 2000 Something very special: Michael Fraser and Liz Mc Mahon A Fynbos Year David Philip, 1988 and 2004 and Between Two Shores Flora and Fauna of the Cape of Good Hope David Philip, 1994 Beautiful, delicate illustrations by LizClive Mann, Robert A. Cheke, Sunbirds: A Guide to the Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers, Spiderhunters, and Sugarbirds of the World, Yale University Press, 2001 This comprehensive guide to all sunbirds and to three other closely related
families: the spiderhunters and flowerpeckers of Asia and the sugarbirds of
southern Africa. (A book I am longing to have) Please let us know what else should be listed here!