Galleries Jill Adams' Birds Some of Jill's birds from The Birds around us
Birds of Prey Nico's Owls Small birds of our region 1 and 2 Waterbirds 1 and 2
A tree-top balcony in Wilderness (Rosie's Turacos)
Pieter's Waterbirds A Braai party at Nagenoeg Farm Helderberg Nature Reserve Waderbash at West Coast National Park Klaus Kassel at West Coast National Park Peet le Roux's Birds Schalk and José in Okavango Bird Potpourri 1 and 2 Beautiful Kalahari
Awie's Water Birds 1, 2 and 3, Awie's Small Birds 1, Awie's Birds large and small, Awie's Water games, Awie's Bird Potpourrie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (Awie at Posberg), Awie's Kalahari Birds, Awie's Kingfishers Awie's Gannets and Penguins Ibis and Spoonbill Glossy Ibis Hadeda Ibis Sacred Ibis African Spoonbill Herons Fritz Weaver in Rosie's garden Basie van Zyl's birds Basie van Zyl's Birds of Prey Ingo Waschkies' Birds of the Western Cape Louis Groenewald's birds Pieter La Grange's Potpourri Roland Hill's Birds Jill Adams' Birds John Murray's Birds Hennie Cilliers' Birds Pieter La Grange's Birds Kirsten Frost's Birds Adam Riley's Birds Chris Krog's Birds Michael McSweeney's Birds Birds Potpourrie 2012 Mark Drysdale's Birds Johan van Noordwyk Brian Culver's Birds (much enlarged) Tinus Lamprecht's Birds (much enlarged) Billy Steenkamp's Birds Anja Denker's Birds Birds Potpourrie 2016 Chris' Bird restaurant Trevor Hardaker's Birds John Tinkler's Birds Bob Hobbes's Birds Hennie Storm's Birds Coen Homan's Birds New Potpourries 2016 Brian Radford's Birds Jody de Bruyn's Birds Peek, Boo and Hoo, a Spotted Eagle-Owl family in a Somerset West garden Derek Keats's Birds Clint Ralph's Birds Johann Van Den Berg's Birds Potpourries 2017 pages 7, 8, 9 and 10 with photos by Stefaan Bouwer, Sharon Brink, Tim Cockcroft, Don Cowie, Brian Culver, Cassie de Bruin, Mark Drysdale, Anthony Goldman, Louis Groenewald, Trevor Hardaker, Jeff Harrisberg, Bob Hobbes, Coen Homan, Wayne Johnston, Chris Jurish, Derek Keats, Johan Kitching, Willie Knoetze, Chris Krog, Tinus Lamprecht, Kevin McDonald, Stewart Matheson, Lee Ouzman, Prelena Soma Owen, Anton Pretorius, Brian Radford, Clint Ralph, Ed Raubenheimer, Jacques Sellschop, Hennie Storm, Ronelle Storm, Johann van den Berg, Ingo Waschkies and Basie van Zyl. 3 new Potpourries Potpourries 19, 20 and 21, with photos by Hugh Chittenden, Tim Cockcroft, Don Cowie, Ulrica de Beer, Dawie de Villiers, Mark Drysdale, The Flacks Photography, Brian Harrisberg, Jeff Harrisberg, Bob Hobbes, Coen Homan, Wayne Johnston, Derek Keats, Johan Kitching, Willie Knoetze, Chris Krog, Stewart Matheson, Dionne Miles, Rousseau Lštter, Stewart Matheson, Kevin McDonald, Mc Gills photography, Anton Pretorius, Brian Radford, Clint Ralph, Ed Raubenheimer, Adam Riley, Jacques Sellschop, Wilna Steenkamp and Kai Stüwe.
Tim Cockcroft's Birds All new Pieter's Waterbirds and Pieter's Raptors Ed Raubenheimer's Birds Stewart Mathesons' Birds Potpourries Potpourries 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, Potpourrie 24, Potpourrie 25, Potpourrie 26, Potpourrie 27 and Potpourrie 28. Andre Olwage's Watercolours, Potpourrie 31, Potpourrie 33, pot34, pot35 - pot39, pot40 - pot40-3.
I updated the List of Bird Photos, showing the sequence of species according to new DNA research. I am constantly enlarging and updating the pages. Please force your computer to show the newest page by reloading.
New: 2 galleries by György Járos: Birds of South Africa. A scientist, whose hobby is to paint a bird every day wth digital art using the Procreate program. jarosbirds.html - jarosbirds-2.html
 The Secretary was the bird of 2019 © Brian Culver
Practise your languages with these bilingual books, enjoy the story of a crazy wizard and get to know some birds and plants of our area in Zettelwitz - Table Mountain Wizard by Rosemarie Breuer, in German and English and Die Towenaar van Tafelberg -
Table Mountain Wizard in Afrikaans and English
with 74 Illustrations by the author and 60 bird illustrations by Jill Adams
 Under construction Watch this space for more galleries African Fish-Eagle Haliaetus
vocifer © Jill Adams (in Richard Liversidge, The Birds
Around us)