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Stellenbosch Artists News

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Rosemarie Breuer's children's book, Zauberer Zettelwitz, has been translated into English

Honiball exhibition - open to the public from 22-30 Oct at the SASOl Museum, Stellenbosch.
There will also be posters and CD's on sale.

Iran's Academy of Arts will hold the third International Biennial of the Islamic World painting in 2004 in Tehran. They would be gratetful if you would help promote this event by participation. Send an e-mail for more information:

Colleen Schwager - Köppeopened her exhibition at The Dorp Street Gallery, on Saturday, 14. 8. 2004 at 11h.

This exhibition could be seen at The Dorp Street Gallery, 176 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch, from 14th August 2004 till 1st September 2004. Gallery hours Monday to Saturday 9h00-17h00

Frans Groenewald opened his new studio and art gallery, Le Galerie Garage, in Somerset West. New cat paintings. Phone Frans 082 558 9968

Nicole Palmer's photo courses

23 September 2003

Illustration by Hérine Fourie
Hérine Fourie launched her new book:
Stellenbosch Winelands

Photo Workshop

Artists cards for Child Welfare - click to enlarge

8 Stellenbosch artists have contributed to beautiful greeting cards which were sold to benefit Child Welfare. From left: Nicole Palmer, Lyn Smuts, Kaffie Pretorius, Adriaan van Zyl, Paddy Bouma and Titia Ballot. Next to them Dr. Dora Steyn and Susan Burger from Child Welfare. 2 of the artists are not on the photo: Piet Grobler and Strijdom van der Merwe
To order these cards (R 80) please phone Gail King at 021 887 2816
Photo by Elsabé Retief, Eikestadnuus - click to enlarge

7, 8 and 9 November 2003: Spring in the Vineyards Photographic Workshop by Nicole Palmer
Telephone: 021-8661570 or 8861561 after hours.

1-11 November 2003 Frans Groenewald: 'Cats on Canvas' , Bloom Gallery, Black Horse Center, corner Dorp/Market Street  Stellenbosch .

Webmasterwww.StellenboschArtists.com © Rosemarie Breuer