Awie's Birds large and small
Spotted Eagle-Owl |
Black-shouldered Kite |
Jackal Buzzard |
Peregrine Falcon |
Southern Boubou |
Cisticola tinniens
Lesser Swamp-Warbler
Neddicky |
Cisticola fulvicapilla |
Karoo Prinia |
Karoolangstertjie |
Cape Robin-Chat |
Orange-Breasted Sunbird |
Orange-Breasted Sunbird female |
Cape Wagtail | © Awie Badenhorst Awie's Water Birds 1, 2 and 3, Awie's Small Birds 1, Awie's Birds large and small, Awie's Water games, Awie's Kalahari Birds, Awie's Bird Potpourrie 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 See all galleries
Contact me for original size photos awie.badenhorst AT
Awie's photos