11 photos, please scroll downWhite-breasted Cormorant
Phalacrocorax lucidus Witborsduiker Weißbrustkormoran Corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas Cormoran à poitrine blanche


Awie Badenhorst  Gentle lady of the river White-breasted Cormorant
"For you, gentle lady of the river, maiden beauty of these placid waters, I bring this gift of a fine feather.. sanitised, of course. Please accept it graciously as the traditional symbol of our courting codes, designed to protect all that is benign and gentle in Creation. Let it show that my intentions are only the purest, the most disciplined, the most honourable, observing all the chivalric codes of patience, grace and gentlemanly conduct so lacking in these troublesome modern times of female disrespect and gender abuse. So okay - where do you want to do it? Sommar here on the log, or underwater? © Jacques Sellschop