Hottentot Teal
Anas hottentota Gevlekte Eend Hottentottenente
Lake Naivasha, Kenya, August 2011
© Ingo Waschkies

© Brian Culver

Hottentot Teal
Polokwane © Jody de Bruyn

Hottentot Teal
© Pieter La Grange

Hottentot Teal

© Derek Keats
Some pornithology for the morning, Hottentot Teal pair exhibiting mating behaviour and copulating at Marievale Nature Reserve. The female was resting on the bank, when the male appeared. She left the bank and swam towards the male, who was bobbing his head up and down. He swam beside her, and she stopped, and he mounted by climbing on behind. He grabbed the feathers at the back of her head, and at one point she was entirely submerged. After probably 20 seconds, it was done, and he swam away, and she followed him behind a patch of reeds.