Your feedback

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of Stellenbosch Authors and get your webpage at Rand 300. Updates of existing pages are free.
Your information will appear on 1 page:
- A short CV and your photo
- Details:
address, date and place of birth,
and - if you have - the link to your home page
your favourite books, your quote or motto,
your hobbies,
list of books you published and awards you have received
most important memberships- You can add one or two poems or a short text of prosa to your page.
All authors are invited to include their CV in their own language, too - no
matter which language.The easiest way to register: Get your own page or just contact me!
Rosie's letter to authorsOur Privacy Policy: we NEVER sell or rent email addresses or any other
information you give us.
All information is optional. If you do not want to divulge your address - just
leave it out or tell us to omit it in this website.
Questions and AnswersSome 350 authors pages have been published as a book, Stellenbosch Writers. Please keep your pages updated!
Your suggestions and corrections: Your feedback
Rosemarie Breuer 907 Helderberg Village
Private Bag X19
Somerset West 7129 South

If you send photos via e-mail, please
make sure they are saved in jpg. 
Do you want to add extra pages: a family page , business page, photo gallery,
literary works or a more complete CV with list of other publications? As a
special service we offer further web pages to Stellenbosch authors of
books and artists at a reduced rate.
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer