B. J. Smit

1935 - 2022
Author of medical publications
Professor and Head of the Department of Radiation Oncology until 2001
Tygerberg Hospital, Stellenbosch University
Berend Jakobus Smit was born on 16 November 1935. He attended school in
Tweeling, North-Eastern Free State. He studied at the University of Pretoria
(MB, CHB) and at the University of
Cape Town (PhD).
He was in general practice in the Eastern Cape (Alicedale and Port Elizabeth)
from 1964-1970. Thereafter registrar in Oncology, University of Cape Town. He
was consultant in Port Elizabeth from 1972-1978.
1978 - 2001: Head of Department and Professor, Tygerberg Hospital and
Stellenbosch University.
Ben Smit is the inventor of the radio-therapy device 'Smit-tube', which is used
in hospitals all over the world.
He was married to the artist, Carol Smit, and they lived in Melkbosstrand. He had a daughter, a stepdaughter and three stepsons.
Ben Smit died on 19 September 2022.
1986: MER National Prize for the best article in "Geneeskunde" ,
1992: Certificate of Merit for contributions to High Dose Rate Brachytherapy .
1993: Dr. Kurt Sauerwein Medal for outstanding work in the field of radiation
Co-recipient of the Alex Mortimer Memorial Award for research on Samarium153.
Recipient of Certificate of Appreciation by the Cancer Association of South
Africa, for research in combating cancer, 1995.Further activities:
Member, Technical Advisory Panel, Foundation for Research Development.
Ex-Secretary and Ex-Chairman, S.A. Society of Radiotherapists.
Alternative Head Radiotherapist, National Accelerator Centre.
Appointed on Editorial Board of Radiation Oncology Investigations. (An
International Journal).
Member of the Evaluation Panel for Radiotherapy and Radiobiology, Medical
Research Council.
Associate of the Faculty of Radiology of The College of Medicine of South
Visiting Professor to the Oncology Group, Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, University of the Witwatersrand, 1993.
Member of the Advisory Panel on Medical Biophysics, Medical Research Council.
Founder member of the Aristoteles Society, Greece.
Member of the Physics Work Group of the Curriculum Committee for M.B., Ch.B. I,
Vice Chairman of the Forum for Radiation Protection, since 1996.
Member of Radiation Research Society, since 1996.
Member of the Committee for Radiation Oncology at the College of Medicine of
South Africa, 1999.
Member of SASMO (South African Society of Medical Oncologists).
Member of the panel of experts with regard to medical and dental professional
conduct matters (Gynaecology, Prostate, Radiosurgery), Medical and Dental
Professional Board, Health Professions Council of South Africa, 1999.
Tygerberg Management Team, 1999.
Member: Panel of experts with regard to Medical and Dental Professional
Conduct Matters. HPCSA, 2000.
Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Colleges of Medicine of South Africa: Awarded the Fellowship by Peer Review
of the College of Radiation Oncologists (CMSA), 2000Hobbies:
 Ben's Borgward | Walking, hiking, fixing motor cars and other machinery, reading Favourite books: Alice in Wonderland, NP van Wyk Louw's poems, Gulliver in Lilliput Favourite quote: There is a limit to wisdom, none to folly |
Publications: Proton Therapy and Radio surgery (Co-author H. Breuer)
, Springer Verlag, 2000 |
Book contributions:
Smit BJ, Schmidt G: High-Dose-Rate-(HDR-) Afterloading-therapie in
Kombination mit perkutaner
Therapie beim inoperablen Zervixkarzinom. In: Roth SL, Böttcher HD, (eds). Gynäkologische Strahlentherapie. Enke Verlag F, Stuttgart, 1993: 38-44.Smit BJ, Beck L, Roth SL: Gynäkologische Tumoren: Zervixkarzinom . In
Schmidt, G. Onkologie systematische: Diagnostik und interdisziplinäre
Therapie maligner Tumoren. UNI-MED Verlag, International Medical Publishers,
Germany 1999: 121-125.
Other publications
Text by Ben Smit, April 2002
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer