The Schoonees family


Lukas Schoonees

Young Lukas Schoonees

20.12.1928: Schoonees family of Steytlerville

20.12.1928: Schoonees family of Steytlerville
From left, standing: Betsie (Hendriks), Lukie, Marie (Fourie), Rikie, Martha (Erasmus)
Below: Adri (Barnard), Pa Lukas, Ma Salie, Staffie

17. 10. 1957: Schoonees family celebrating 100 years in South Africa

17. 10. 1957: Schoonees family celebrating 100 years in South Africa
From left to right: Riekie, Lukie (Boet), Dr. P.C., Lukie (Worcester), Lukas and Piet
Below: Anton, Rikus, Gerhard, Kosie

Family photos provided by Fanus Schoonees. © Rosemarie Breuer

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