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Anna M. Louw

1913 - 2003

Anna M. Louw

Author of short stories, novels, drama and travelogues

Anna Margaretha Louw was born on 31 December, 1913, on the farm, Soetwater, near Calvinia.
She studied English, Afrikaans, Dutch, German, French and Psychology at Stellenbosch University (BA). She accompanied her husband, L. A. Hurst, to New York, where they lived for two years. At the University of Columbia she took courses in Journalism and Drawing.
Back in South Africa Anna studied at the University of Cape Town (BSocSc). She started writing soon afterwards, when married to her second husband, Gerhard Bassel. They undertook extensive travels through Europe.
Her husband died in 1990. Anna M. Louw died on 12 June, 2003, at Rondebosch, Cape Town. She had five children: Wendy, Nicholas and Elizabeth from her marriage with Lewis Hurst. Her second husband, is the father of the twins, Christina and Editha.

One of South Africa's most acclaimed novelists
Erns Grundling in LitNet: Een van die Afrikaanse letterkunde se mees gevierde skrywers


Olive Schreiner Prize for Prosa 1964 for Twenty days that autumn
Scheepers Prize for Youth Literature 1968 for Die voortreflike familie Smit
WA Hofmeyr Prize 1971 for Die groot gryse
Hertzog Prize for prose 1976, WA Hofmeyer Prize 1977 and CNA Prize 1977 for Kroniek van Perdepoort


Die onverdeelde uur, 1956
Die koms van die komeet, 1957
Agter my 'n Albatros, (travelogue) 1959
Die voortreflike familie Smit, 1962
Twenty days that autumn, 1964
Oom Kolie gee raad, (three plays) 1965
Die banneling: Die lyfwag, 1964
and Die groot gryse, 1968 (historical novels about Paul Kruger)
Díe wat met die fluite loop, (travelogue Scandinavia) 1967
Gesëende dag, 1969
Kroniek van Perdepoort, 1975
Die derde tempel, (travelogue Israel) 1978
Op die rug van die tier, Tafelberg 1981
Die loop van die rivier, 1986
Wolftyd, Tafelberg, 1991
Die Donker Kind, Human & Rousseau, 1996
Vos, 2000

Photo by Philip de Vos    Gazania photo by Florian Breuer

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