Abraham Jacobus Johannes Visser was born on 31 Mei 1925 in Laingsburg, in the
He studied at the University of Stellenbosch and worked as a teacher for 15
A. J. J. Visser served at the Department of Education and Culture until his
retirement in 1985. He lives in Pretoria.
His poetry appeared in about 20 compilations, among others:
Die Afrikaanse poësie in 'n duisend en enkele gedigte (G.Komrij),
Groot Verseboek (D.J. Opperman) and Nuwe kleuterverseboek (D.J. Opperman) .
Kaleidoskoop, 1957
Labirint, 1960
Lig en donker, 1966/1967
For children:
Stories klein en versies fyn, 1966
So klink Afrikaans, 'n bloemlesing, 1967
Hier kiep-kiep en hiep-hiep daar, 1981
Die Harlekyn Verskyn, Tafelberg, 1983
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