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Yellow wood lined ceiling of
the Bruynzeel House

Ton van Laar

Anthonie van Laar

1923 - 2009

Author of publications on forestry
Professor at the Department of Forestry, Stellenbosch University until his retirement in 1988

Anthonie van Laar was born on 6 September 1923 at Leersum, Netherlands and attended school at H.B.S. in Utrecht.
He studied Forestry at the universities of Wageningen, Netherlands (1941-1949, MSc 1949), Stellenbosch (DSc 1961) and München, Germany (Dr. oec.publ. 1973, summa cum laude, Dr. habil. 1979).
In 1958 he emigrated to South Africa
He was connected to Stellenbosch University for some 40 years.
1949-1959 : Research officer in the Department of Tropical Forestry at the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands.
1959-1978 : Senior-Lecturer at Stellenbosch University
1973: Associate Professor
1975: Full Professor
1986-1988 : Dean of the Faculty of Forestry
1989: Ad hoc consulting activities and writing of books
1998: Associate consultant with Fractal Forest

Area of specialisation : Forest Biometry, growth modeling

Anthonie van Laar was professor at the Department of Forestry of Stellenbosch University from 1977 until his retirement in 1988 and head of the project group Production of High Yielding Trees of the International Union of Forestry Research organisation. From January 1997 he was editor of the series "Forest Mensurational Technical Notes for the South African Forest Industry". Since his retirement in 1988, A. van Laar continued his involvement in forest biometry and growth modeling, especiallyly in growth models for Eucalyptus grandis. From January 1997 he was editor of the series "Forest Mensurational Technical Notes for the South African Forest Industry".
Ton van Laar died in 2009.

Awards and Honours:

Honorary Professor : University of München
Burkhart medal : University of Göttingen
Honorary member : S.A. Forestry Institute

Publications :

6 books, appr. 120 research publications in Afrikaans, Dutch, German and English


Forest Mensuration (Co-author: Alparslan Akca), Springer, 1997
This popular text book, Forest Mensuration, was first published in 1997. An extensively revised edition, including chapters on remote sensing and the application of aerial photographs and satellite imagery, was published in 2007 by Springer; 2nd ed. edition (July 19 2007)
Managing Forest Ecosystems (Co-author: Alparslan Akca), 2007

Information by A. van Laar 2006
Ton van Laar memorial

Ton van Laar, memorial marker at Prins Albert cemetary
Photo © Brian Bredenkamp

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