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Margaret Roberts

Margaret Roberts

1937 - 2017

A herbal pioneer in South Africa
Author of books on herbs

A well known expert on herbs, Margaret Roberts was in considerable demand for lectures and broadcasts. She also contributed articles in magazines, including The South African Journal of Natural Medicine. She lived in De Wildt in the Magaliesberg, near Pretoria, where she and her daughter nSandy managed her Herbal Centre with a herb garden and shop, almost next door to the de Wildt Cheetah centre. Here she gave workshops and lectures on healthy cooking.
Margaret Roberts died on 4 March 2017.

Her books include:

Most of her books are available in English and in Afrikaans

The Moraeas of Southern AfricaHerbal border - llustration by Margaret RobertsMargaret Robert's Book of Herbs
Growing Herbs with Margaret Roberts
Indigenous Healing Plants, Southern Book Publishers, 1990
Margaret Robert's herb series: Kruie kleinood, Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1992
Margaret Robert's herb series: summer cooking with herbs, Lowry, 1987
Margaret Roberts se kruiereeks: Pot-pourri, Lowry,1986 /Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1992
Margaret Roberts se kruiereeks: kook met kruie in die somer, Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1992
Margaret Roberts cooks with Herbs and Spices
Margaret Roberts se kruiereeks: kook met kruie in die winter, Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1992
Margaret Roberts se kruiereeks: kruie vir swangerskap en kindersorg, Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1992
Alles oor kruie - Margaret Roberts, Struik Publishers, 2001
Indigenous Healing Plants
Edible and medicinal flowers, D.Philip Publishers, 2001
A-Z Herbs - Margaret Roberts, Struik Publishers, 2001
Tissue salts for healthy living, D.Philip Publishers, 2002
Weffelsoute vir heisaamheid, Spearhead
The essential Margaret Roberts: My 100 favourite herbs, D.Philip Publishers, 2002

Illustration by Margaret Roberts

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