Lekker skryf saam met Bessie www.writesmarter.co.za Children and youth books
Janie Oosthuysen

Author of children's books
and translator of the Harry Potter books
Adriana Maria Oosthuysen was born on 13 November 1956, at Paarl.
matriculation from the Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof in Stellenbosch she
studied English, Afrikaans-Nederlands and Psychology at Stellenbosch University (BA, HED). She taught English at a high school and then became lecturer at the Athlone College in Paarl.
She married, had two children and got divorced.
She is now married to John
Taylor and lives in Durbanville. Janie Oosthuysen started writing in 1994. She is also an online teacher at WriteSmarter and Skryfgeheime.
Quote: Afgeval, seergekry, opgeklim en weer gery... (Fell down, got hurt, got
on again and rode on... Translation by Franci de Kock]
Awards:ATKV Prize for Youth Literature: 1996 (second prize) for Kara en die blafdemper, 1998 for Drome op Duinebaai and second winner for My hart behoort aan jou and 2000 (second prize) for Eggo's van gister
1996-97: C.P. Hoogenhout Prize for children's literature for Ouma Hester en die Dreadnought, Merk III and Juffrou Luisenbosch en die Breinwassers and Professor Experimento se verskriklike formules
2002: Academy Award and IBBY award for translation
2003: SAVI-award for translation, Harry Potter en die beker vol vuur
Kara en die blafdemper (1995)
Ouma Hester en die Getaway-kar/Grandma Duckitt and the Getaway Car (1996)
Ouma Hester en die Zeppelin/Grandma Duckitt and the Zeppelin (1996)
Juffrou Luisenbosch en die breinwassers/Ms Buggbuster and the
Brainwashers (1996)
Ouma Hester en die Dreadnought Merk 111/Grandma Duckitt and the Dreadnought Mark 111 (1997)
Professor Experimento se verskriklike formules/ Professor
Experimento's Frightening Formulas (1997)
Ouma Hester en die Intergalactic V-919 Supercomet/Grandma Duckitt and the Intergalactic V-919 Supercomet (1998)
Drome op Duinebaai (1997) - Eerste liefde series, Human & Rousseau
My hart behoort aan jou (1997) - Eerste liefde series, Human & Rousseau
Sersant Spochter se ongelooflike leuenverklikker/Sergeant
Spoofer's Incredible Lie Detector (1999)
Ouma Hester en die Dugout de luxe/Grandma Duckitt and the Dugout
de luxe (1999)
Eggo's van gister (1999) - Eerste liefde series, Human & Rousseau
Skaduwee van die dood, Human & Rousseau, 2000
Riempelstories: Vir vryheid!, Kagiso Education, 2004
Riempelstories: Dra toktokkies sokkies?, Kagiso Education, 2004
Die towerpotlood, Lapa, 2005
Rosie the Brave, Shuter & Shooter, 2006
Neil Armstrong Smit en die Coriolis-krag, Zebra Press, 2007
Daar is Vlooie in My Bed, Lapa, 2007
Phinda's Gift, Shuter & Shooter, 2007
Die Verlore Eiland, Lapa, 2008
Bessie Hemelbesem En Oom Sak Sarel Se Testament, LAPA, 2008
Bessie Hemelbesem En Die Skat Van Smokkelaarsbaai, LAPA, 2008
Die Ekspedisie Na Daardoer , LAPA, 2009
Several Oxford Leesboeke, including
Oxford Suksesvolle Afrikaans: Gr 4: Leesboek (with Marianna Brandt)
Rugbyballe & bikini's, Human & Rousseau, 2012
Daar's 'n ou in my aarbei-smoothie, Human & Rousseau, 2012
Ouens is Nes Ekstra Bagasie, Human & Rousseau, 2012Her translations include:
Narnia books by CS Lewis:
Prins Kaspian
Die perd en sy seun
Die leeu, die heks en die hangkas
Die towenaar se neef
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter en die kamer van geheimenisse
Harry Potter en die towenar se steen
Harry Potter en die orde van die feniks
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, 2002
Die vreeslike avonture van Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, 2006
Books out of stock? Write to the the publisher! If there is much demand, they will consider to reprint.
Photo found at www.boekwurm.co.za
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer
