
The Kruithuis (Arsenal)
The Braak
The Kruithuis with its barrel vault was built as arsenal for the Council of
Policy by the mason Michael Rambusch in 1777.
It is the only monument in Stellenbosch bearing the monogram of The Dutch East
India Company: VGOC (Vereenighde Geoctroijeerde Oostindische Compagnie),
"us of the long uninterrupted period of 116 years during which Stellenbosch
fell under the control of the Chartered East India Company. For years after it
had stopped fulfilling its original function, the Kruithuis was used as a
market building. It is said that even slaves were sold by auction here."
Ters van Huyssteen, Footloose in StellenboschIt is now a museum.
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Die Vriende van die Stellenbosch Museum
Ryneveld Street 37
Private Box X5048, Stellenbosch 7599
Tel: 021 887 2937
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer
