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Bottle Store
The Gable of the Bottle Store
Photo by Willem Malherbe
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Koos Kombuis

André Letoit
Noms de plume of André le Roux du Toit

André and son

Poet, singer, entertainer and author of several books and CDs

André le Roux du Toit was born on 5 November 1954 in Cape Town.
The family moved often, and Koos - he was given this nickname at school - grew up in Riversdale, Paarl, Wellington, Kuruman and in Bellville, before the family settled in Stellenbosch. At the age of three he taught himself to read ("from the back of Cornflakes boxes") and spured on by their maid who wanted him to read to her the comics in Die Burger. By the age of ten he had typed "a dozen of novels" on his father's type writer. He found school very boring. After matric from Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch, he joined the Army for a year and afterwards tried his luck in all kinds of jobs, until Bennie-Fritz, story editor at Huisgenoot, became aware of André's story telling talent. He liked what Koos had sent in and asked for more. Koos hitchhiked to Cape Town and became a free-lance story writer for the next two years. Under the name of André Letoit he published poems, short stories and novels: 3 poetry collections, 3 volumes of short stories, 4 novels and 1 collection of letters.
After a few years, André bought a guitar, changed his name to Koos Kombuis and started to write songs. He is now much in demand as a singer and an entertainer and has published several CDs. Koos writes a column for the newspaper Rapport and the website Litnet.

He is married to Kannetjie and has a son and a daughter, Simon and Marleen.

Koos A. Kombuis has always instilled fear in the hearts of conservative Afrikanerdom. Thank God.
He was part of a group of maverick Afrikaans musicians, who, under the collective name of Voëlvry, toured campuses across South Africa, liberating Afrikaans from the shackles of its past. No longer was Afrikaans the exclusive property of the Nationalist Party or the Dutch Reformed Church.....
Sam Woulidge (Read the article on Koos Kombuis)
...the "Mystery CD", by the way, was actually "greatest hits", which was compiled and released by Anton Goosen through Gallo without my permission.


Paradise Redecorated
Suburbia (Afrikaans poems), Perskor, 1982; 2. edition Protea Boekhuis, 2003
Die Geel Kafee (Afrikaans poems), Perskor, 1985; 2. edition Protea Boekhuis, 2003
Die Tweede Reën, Bitterkomix, 1998, (a collection of earlier poems, - written under the influence of drugs, he says)
Seks&Drugs&Boermusiek (Autobiography), Human&Rousseau, 2000
Koos se songs, Human & Rousseau, 2001/03
My Mamma is 'n Taal, Human&Rousseau (Compilation of articles), 2001
Hotel Atlantis (Futuristic novel), Human&Rousseau, 2002
The secret diary of God (Satire), Zebra Press, 2003
Afrikaans my Darling, Human & Rousseau, 2003
Suidpunt-jazz, new edition, Human & Rousseau, 2004
Buy Raka: Die RomanRaka: Die Roman, 2005
Somer II new edition, Human & Rousseau, 2006
The Complete Secret Diaries of God (Satire), Human & Rousseau, 2008
Die Tyd Van Die Kombi's /
Short Drive to Freedom, Human & Rousseau, 2009
Die reuk van koffie, Human & Rousseau, 2011
I-Tjieng - 'n GPS vir verdwaalte siele (First Afrikaans adaptation of the I Ching or 'Book of changes' - A GPS for lost souls), Penguin 2013  More information pdf
Ver in die wêreld, sushi, Penguin Random House SA, 2015
Vandag wil ek my blou skoene dra, Naledi 2018

There is not really a difference between writing lyrics and writing poetry.

CDs include:

Koos Kombuis
Ver van die Ou Kalahari (JNS Musiek)
Niemandsland & Beyond! (JNS Musiek)
Elke Boemelaar se Droom (GALLO)
Madiba Bay (Wildebeest Records)
Blameer dit op Apartheid (with Warm Blankes, Wildebeest Records)
Mona Lisa (Wildebeest Records)
Blou Kombuis (JNS Musiek)
Mystery CD (GALLO)
Equilibrium (Rhythm Records)
Greatest Hits
Jaar in die son (with Valiant Swart)
Voelvry - die tour (with die Gereformeerde Blues Band and Johannes Kerkorrel and Bernoldus Niemand)
Die oorspronklike alternatiewe Afrikaanse rock 'n roll opstokery
Dertien, CD, 2013

London Show - die Video (Gatskop Produksies)

"Nou woon ek in 'n nice huis, met 'n dak wat lek, by die see, ek ry 'n Nissan Sentra, en ek het ook 'n vrou, 'n baby, 'n grassnyer, 'n weed-eater, en M-Net (ek spaar nog vir DSTV). My ma, wat nog leef (my pa is onlangs oorlede), is baie trots op my!"
Koos Kombuis

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