D D Joubert

Photo: SU Archives, 1956Author of sociological publications
Professor of Sociology at Stellenbosch University, 1976 - (?)
Dirk Daniel Joubert was born on 3 May, 1933, at Stellenbosch. He attended school
at Deutsche St. Martini in Kapstadt and the Paul Roos Gymnasium in
He studied at Stellenbosch University, where he obtained a
BA, MA, and D Phil and at the Rijks University, Groningen, Holland.
Award: Stals Prize for Sociology 1990
Books:1964: Die Waardekonsep in die Sociologiese Teorie
1965: Groepsdinamika: Inleiding tot die Studie van Klein Groepe (co author: A.
F. Steyn)
1966: Sosiologie (co author: S. P. Cilliers)
1972: Teer-en-Veer in 1932 - Rondom die Lamont-saak (Brandpunte I)
Toe Witmense Arm was - Uit die Carnegieverslag 1932 (Brandpunte 2)
1973: Oorlogsverklaring 1939 - Drama in Die Volksraad (Brandpunte 3)
Die Naturelle-Grondkwessie - Uit die Volkraadsdebat 1936 (Brandpunte 4)
1973: Sosiologies Gesproke - Die aard van Sosiologiese Interpretasies
1974: Die Kaapse Stemreg - Verteenwoordiging vir Swart en Bruin in 1936
(Brandpunte 5)
Met Iemand van 'n Ander Kleur - Beskouings en Wetgewing (Brandpunte 6)1989: Translation from Greek: 10 poems by George Seferis (1900-1971)
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