Johannes Jordaan
Johannes Jordaan
Helderberg Publishers
P O Box 567, Strand 7139
021 853 6531 johannes AT myprimetime.co.za

Author of books on finances and retirement planning
Johannes Hendrik Jordaan was born at De Doorns on 4 April 1944. He matriculated from Worcester Boys High School in 1961 and studied at Stellenbosch University, where he obtained an MSc in Agricultural Economics in 1969. He also lectured at the University before he entered into a private practice counselling clients on retirement planning, how to adapt to a healthy lifestyle, wills and succession.
Johannes was a businessman with a number of interests including an export table grape farm and a computer literacy training company. He is now semi-retired, happily married to Anne and lives in Strand, Western Cape. He has a daughter, Dr Martine Slabbert, and a son, 'Oubaas'.
He currently keeps himself busy with pursuing an educational project in Consumer Education in finances and Healthy living, how to plan for a happy retirement and how to acquire a Healthy Lifestyle. He does this mainly by means of writing, publishing and promoting of holistic books (in Hard copy and E-book format) on all the various aspects of the topic.
Johannes recently appeared in a KYKNET program, Huppel in die Stap, introducing the first edition of his PRIME TIME book. His current website is www.myprimetime.co.za. He offers all members of society requesting it, a FREE copy of a series of summaries (in Afrikaans and English) of the 9 Radio Talks on various topics of 'Prime Time' - living, he had on Radio Sonder Grense (RSG). More information on these talks and his books from johannes@myprimetime.co.za
Hobbies: Mountain hiking, snow skiing, travelling, reading
Favourite books: New Guide to Rational Living by Albert Ellis and Robert Harper; Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey.
Motto: Excellence is gratifying and healthy. Perfection is frustrating, neurotic and a terrible waste of time.
The happiness of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts.
His books can be obtained from the author.
Two free publications:
(a) a copy of a useful Estate Planning booklet with templates and check lists of documents necessary that will be required by your executor and other arrangements necessary when someone passes away, and
(b) a course on How to enjoy WELLNESS in your life
Joint Farming and Succession in Agriculture/Saamboerdery en Erfopvolging in die Landbou 1973,1974,1976 Editions - Self published
Tax Planning for the Farmer/Belastingbeplanning vir die Boer - Self Published 1979
Ways to Avoid Tax Legally, (Co-authored with Fran du Plessis and adv Willie Boonzaier) 1987, 1988, 1989 Editions - Published by National Publishing (Pty) LTD
Estate Planning: A practical guide/Boedelbeplanning: 'n Praktiese Gids - Helderberg Publishers, 1987
Financial Planning - Your Key to Wealth/Finansiële Beplanning - U Sleutel tot Welvaart - published by OLD MUTUAL, 1989
Population Growth: Our Time Bomb/Bevolkingsgroei Ons Tydbom - J L VAN SCHAIK, 1991
Retirement Planning/Aftredebeplanning - DON NELSON Publishers, 1991
How to Plan for a Happy Retirement/Beplan so vir 'n Gelukkige Aftrede (Co-author: Magnus Heystek) - Helderberg Publishers, 1993
PRIME TIME - Enjoy your life after 50/PRIMA TYD - Geniet jou lewe na 50 - 1st Edition: Helderberg Publishers, 2013
(Some stock still available).
MY PRIME TIME - Expert tips for enjoying life after 50 - 2nd Edition: Helderberg Publishers, 2015 (Sold out)
3rd Edition (in development) Ð Envisaged new title: How to make the REST of your life the BEST of your life: Helderberg Publishers, planned for 2017
His books, written in English and Afrikaans simultaneously, are published by himself and Helderberg Publishers
Text by Johannes Jordaan, August 2007
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer