In the film about the last days of Apartheid, 'Endgame' (2010), Willie Esterhuyse is played by William Hurt.
 | Willie Esterhuyse Author of academic publications on philosophy and socio-politics Professor of Philosophy Stellenbosch University, 1974 - 2002 Currently part-time professor, Graduate School of Business, US |
Willem Petrus Esterhuyse was born on 19 August 1936.
He studied Stellenbosch University from 1958 - 1964 (MA, DPhil, 1964).
After 28 years as professor of Philosophy at Stellenbosch University, he is now a part-time professor of Business Ethics, Graduate School of Business, Stellenbosch
University and a part-time lecturer of Executive Management Programmes, Graduate School of
Business, University of Cape Town.
He wrote of a regular column in F & T Weekly, a financial
journal, for 10 years, and a weekly column in Die Burger, Beeld and Die Volksblad on ethical issues.
He is married to Annemarie Esterhuyse, née Barnard, who is a
lecturer in Mathematics at Stellenbosch University. They have two daughters and
four sons.
Non-executive director of the boards of Murray & Roberts; Metropolitan Life,
Medi-Clinic, Plexus and Barinor Holdings
SA Academy for Science and Art and the Philosophical Society of
Southern Africa; ArtsCape; Board member of KKNK
Board Member of the Centre for
Development Enterprise
Trustee: Sanlam Demutualisation Trust; Nations Trust; Freedom Park Trust;
Maths Centre
Willie Esterhuyse wrote of a regular column in F & T Weekly, a financial
journal, for 10 years, and a weekly column in Die Burger, Beeld and Die Volksblad on ethical issues.
Awards:Stals Prize for Philosophy 1984
Sunday Times prize for political literature
Leon/Fox Community Award 1988
N.P. van Wyk Louw Medal 1999
Voted "Professor of the Year 2001" by the University of Nyenrode, Holland
Doctor honoris causa, University of Stellenbosch 2003
National Order of Luthuli, 2003 (silver)Books:
F W Nietzsche: Filosoof met 'n hamer, 1975
Afskeid van apartheid, 1979
Die mens en sy seksuele moraal, 1980
Apartheid must die, 1981
Die pad van hervorming, 1982
Karl Marx: Filosoof van die revolusie, 1984
Pleitbesorger vir hoop (on Dr Anton Rupert), 1986
Th ANC (Co-editor), 1991
Thabo Mbeki: Africa - the time has come (Co-editor), 1998
Thabo Mbeki: Africa: Define yourself (Co-editor), 2002
Sake-etiek in Die Praktyk, Van Schaik, 2004
Looking Back, Reaching Forward: Reflections on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa, Zed Book
Anton Rupert: 'n Lewensverhaal (Co-author: Ebbe Dommisse), 2008
God en die Gode van Egipte, Lux Verbi, 2009
Endgame - Secret talks and the end of apartheid /
Eindstryd - Geheime gesprekke en die einde van Apartheid
Willie Esterhuyse, Tafelberg, 2012
Geagte Jahwe, Naledi, 2015
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer