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Prof Jannie du Preez
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Jannie du Preez

Jannie Du Preez

Author of theological publications
Emeritus professor of Missiology and Theology of Religions,
Stellenbosch University

Jannie du Preez was born on 16 August 1927 in Joubertina and grew up in Riversdale, Uniondale and Herbertsdale.
He studied at the Theological Seminary in Stellenbosch (Dip Theol, cum laude, 1950), and holds a BA degree (1947), an MA in Philosophy (1950), a BD in Dogmatics (cum laude, 1962), and a DTh in New Testament and Missiology with the title: Die koms van die koninkryk volgens die boek Openbaring)

He is married to Hendrika Elizabeth (Tinka) Burger and they have three daughters and a son.
1952-1975: Minister of religion and missionary of the Dutch Reformed Church
as well as lecturer and (since 1954) principal of the Decoligny Theological School,
Umtata, Transkei, for the training of Xhosa-speaking evangelists and ministers.
1954-1958: Actuarius Synodi, Cape Synod, DRC in Africa
1975-1982: Senior lecturer of Missiology, Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch University
1982-1992: Professor of Missiology, Stellenbosch University
Founder member of the Southern African Missiological Society and member of the editorial committee of its academic journal, Missionalia
The South African Academy for Science and Art


Particulars of all his publications up to 1993 appear in the Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif, vol 34/4, which has been dedicated to the author.
17 books and monographs, 39 chapters in collective works, 84 articles in academic journals and 232 articles in popular church magazines and newspapers. In preparation:
Geen ander naam: proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour in a world of religious plurality (Due for publication in 2005)

Some of his books: (NG = NG Kerk-Uitgewers)
Die Teologiese Skool Stofberg te Decoligny, Perskor, 1973
Leer die Bybel dat God drie-enig is?, NG, 1978
Gebed: 'n Teologiese besinning, NG, 1980 (Stellenbosse Teologiese Studies no 5)
Die briewe aan die Tessalonisense, NG, 1981
As Hy weer kom (Die wederkoms volgens die Tessalonisense-briewe), NG, 1982
Besprinkeling as doopvorm?, Annale Universiteit van Stellenbosch (BD-verhandeling), 1983
Swart Afrika hoor die evangelie, NG, 1985 (Teologie Aktueel 2)
Ubhaptizo lobukrestu, NG Sendingpers,1985
Die aantrekkingskrag van die Marxisme vir die Derde Wêreld, NG, 1988 (Stellenbosse Teologiese Studies 16)
Die boodskap van die laaste Bybelboek, Pro Christo Publikasies, 1992
Sendingperspektiewe in die erediens, NG, 1992
Eschatology and ecology. Perspectives from the Book of Revelation. Pretoria: Instituut vir Sendingwetenskaplike Navorsing, Universiteit van Pretoria, 1993
Die wierook van ons gebede, Lux Verbi, 1997

Text by Jannie du Preez, October 2004

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