
Clivia miniata citrina
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Photo by Jim HolmesM. J. C. de Reville
Author of Publications on Economics
Emeritus Professor of Economics at Stellenbosch University
M. J. C. de Reville was born on 14 September 1910 in Gits, Belgium. She studied
at the universities of Leuven, Marburg, Frankurt/Main, Berlin and Rome. She has
a PhD in Politics and Sociology and obtained a
diploma in Economy.
1932: Die Bedrijfsraden in Duitsland
1935: Die Italiaanse Stato Corporativo
1964: Inleiding tot die Teorie van Markekonomie
1967: Die Verdeling van die Volksinkome
1969: Markstelsels en Sibernetika
1974: Cybernetics and the Market Economy (translation by F.P. Biggs )
1970: Mikro-ekonomie
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