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C. Jac Conradie

Author of books on linguistic topics
Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Rand Afrikaans University
Charl Jacobus Conradie was born at Cape Town on 14 September, 1944. His entire
school career was at Durbanville, where he finished matric in 1962 as fifth in
the Cape Province. He studied at Stellenbosch University from 1963 to
1969: BA with Afrikaans-Dutch, English and Philosophy as majors. Honours
in Afrikaans-Dutch (with distinction) and MA (Die lydende vorm in
He worked as Hansard translator in the Houses of Parliament in 1968 and 1969,
studied General Linguistics and Old Norse at the Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht in
the Netherlands from 1969 to 1974 ("doctoraal"). He obtained a PhD at the
University of Witwatersrand in 1979. Title : Die diachronie van die Afrikaanse voltooide deelwoord.
In 1975 C. Jac Conradie started as a lecturer in the Afrikaans Department at RAU, was promoted to full professor in October 2002 and gave his inaugural lecture on 14 May 2003. He taught linguistics, mainly Syntax and Historical
Linguistics, including Middle Dutch, Gothic and Old Norse. Since his retirement in 2009, Jac Conradie continued to serve as researcher and lecturer.Books:
Taalgeskiedenis, Academica, 1986
Semantic change in modal auxiliaries as a result of speech act embedding. In:
M. Harris & P. Ramat (reds.) Historical development of auxiliaries, Mouton de Gruyter, 1987
Mariken van Nieumeghen (with W.F. Jonckheere), HAUM-Literêr, 1992
On subjectification in modal adverbs. In: Henning Andersen (red.), Historical Linguistics 1993, John Benjamins, 1995
Präteritumschwund und Diskursgrammatik (with Werner Abraham), Amsterdam: John
Benjamins, 2001
Shuters junior woordeboek (with A. Blacquiére, P. Houle and C.I. Thomson),
Shuter & Shooter, 2001
The iconicity of Afrikaans reduplication. In: Wolfgang G. Müller & Olga Fischer
(reds.) From sign to signing - Iconicity in language and literature 3, John Benjamins, 2003
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