Edward Brown
1930 - 2014
Author of theological publications
Professor of Ecclesiology at Stellenbosch University, 1975 - 1995
Edward Brown was born in Kroonstad (OFS) on 6 August 1930 and grew up in the
Free State and Transvaal. He studied Theology at Pretoria University (BA Hons
Philosophy, BD in 1954). At Union Theological Seminary, New York, USA, he
obtained STM (1955) and DTh at Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ (1959).
During his stay in the USA he served as Assistant Minister in Classon Avenue
Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, NY and as Co-Pastor in the Hungarian Reformed
Church of America in Trenton, NJ. During 1960-1964 he was minister of the
Dutch Reformed Church, Sea View, Durban, Natal. As professor in Church History
he taught at The University of Zululand (1964-1974) and at Stellenbosch
University (1975-1995). He was guest lecturer at the University of Tübingen
and the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
He was a member of the Institut für
Missionswissenschaft und Ökumenische Theologie, Tübingen, Co-worker in the
Institute for non-western Christianity, Edinburgh, founding member of theKerkhistoriese Werkgemeenskap van SA.
Eddie Brown was married to Magdalena (Botha). They had four children, Willie, Frans,
Betsie and Eddie.
His interest lay in church history as science, general church history, South
African church history and contemporary church history.
He has published numerous research works in journals, dictionaries and
encyclopaedias, as well as a ground breaking research volume on the scientific
research and outcome of the history of congregations.
Gemeentegeskiedskrywing, 1973
History of the Early Church, Nineteenth Century and Twentieth Century, South
African and General (on CD Rom)
The Reformed Spirituality of the Korean Christians, Stellenbosch University, 1997
Text by Magdalena Brown, October 2004
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer