Gerhard J. Beukes
1913 - 1998Playwright of dramas and comedies
Head of the Department of Afrikaans en Nederlands
the University of the Orange Free State, until 1978
Gerhardus Johannes Beukes was born on 21 November 1913 in Upington.
He studied Afrikaans and Dutch at the Universities of Stellenbosch (BA 1935,
Senior Teacher's Diploma 1936) and Pretoria (DLit 1947; thesis: Die moderne eenbedryf).
After 10 years teaching at schools, he lectured in Afrikaans and Dutch at the
then UKOVS,
Bloemfontein from 1947.
1961: Professor at the University of the Orange Free State
1973: Head of the Department of Afrikaans en Nederlands
Gerhard J. Beukes retired in 1978. He died in 1998.
1948: Winner of the FATSA competion for one-act-plays: Die vrees
1952: Hertzog Prize for drama and
Van Riebeeck festival prize for drama
1959: Prize of the NG Kerk-uitgewers (on the occasion of the 140th anniversary
of the South African Bible Society) for Judas van Keriot
1984: Honorary Member of SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns List of works:
1945: Laat die kerse brand
1948: Die vrees
Uitgesoekte eenbedrywe
1950: Kerse teen die wind
1952: As ons twee eers getroud is!
Skrywers en rigtings (co-author F.V. Lategan)
1956: Verkiesing sonder politiek!
1959: Judas van Keriot
1964: Die vonkel in haar oë!
1965: Woord en masker (editor)
Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik
1969: Uur van die waarheid
1970: Vier Nederlandse eenbedrywe (editor)
Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik
1978: Kortgesprek, (compiler: F.V. Lategan; special edition to celebrate the
author's 65th birthday)
Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik.Gerhard J. Beukes also compiled 12 anthologies of plays.
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www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer