Ornithogalum grandiflorum
Photo by Jim Holmes
1935 - 2010
Wilhelm Stefanus Barnard (Barnie) was born on 20 November 1935, at Calitzdorp.
He studied Geography and History at Stellenbosch University (BA 1956,
MA, cum laude,1959 - Thesis: Political-geographical Aspects of South West Africa) and obtained a D.Phil. in 1964. Thesis: Regional patterns in South West Africa.
1960: Lecturer in Geography, Stellenbosch University; 1966: Senior Lecturer;
1971: Professor of Geography, retirement at the end of 1995
1996: Temporary Lecturer in Geography and Environmental Study, Stellenbosch
1997: Research Fellow, Stellenbosch University
He was married to Ingeborg Aleida Hettasch in 1961. Children: Eleanor, Christiaan
Rudolf and Carl Stefanus (1971 - 1995)
W.S. Barnard died on 29 August 2010.
Academic interests: History of Geography, geographical thought, political geography, arid regions,
Overseas experience:
Visited Australia in 1966 (July - December) with an Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Grant; the Federal Republic of Germany in 1978 (May - July) on the invitation of
the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD); Switzerland and Federal Republic of Germany in 1994 (May - June) with a Stellenbosch University Grant; visit Germany, UK and Ireland (July 1995) with a Centre for Science Development Grant; attend IGU conference in The Hague (August 1996) with Stellenbosch University Grant; visit Bundesarchiv, Berlin (Germany) (July 1996) with Human Sciences Council Senior Research Grant
Member, South African Geographical Society, 1959-1994; Member of Council,
South African Geographical Society, 1972-1985; President, South African
Geographical Society, 1979; Life Member, Society for
Geography, 1964-1994; Full Member, South African Academy for Arts and
Sciences, elected 1984; Member, Simon Van der Stel Foundation, since
1988; Member, Society of South African Geographers, since 1995
Hobbies: Hiking, travelling, reading Favourite quote: Dare to
reason! (Immanuel Kant)
Award: Stals Prize for Geography 1990
Contributions to books:
"The geographical background". Chapter 2 in: SP Cilliers (ed): The Western Cape: A Socio-economic Investigation, Kosmo Publishers, 1964
"The earth's crust and landforms: A related whole". In: IG Nicol (ed), Geography and the School. Society for Geography Special Publication 4, 1980
"The Border War: After 19 years." In WS Barnard (ed), Compass on South West Africa/Namibia. Society for Geography, Special Publication 5, 1985
"Diverging geography and the radical contribution: A review". In: J Mouton & D
Joubert (eds), Knowledge and Method in the Human Sciences, Pretoria, HSRC, 1989
"Walvis Bay and the Penguin Islands" Chapter 6 in GME Leistner, P Esterhuysen
& R Cornwell (eds), Namibia 1990: An Africa Institute Survey, Africa Institute, 1990
"From obscurity to resurrection: The lower Orange River as international
boundary". In: WA Galusser (ed), Political Boundaries and Co-existence, Berne: Peter Lang, 1994
"Encountering Adamastor: South African founding geographers and their regional
geographies". Chapter 19 in a volume of readings edited by A Buttimer, S Brunn
& U Wardenga, Text and Image: The Social Construction of Regional Knowledge's, Leipzig Germany: Institute for Regional Geography, 1999)
www.StellenboschWriters.com © Rosemarie Breuer